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A Blog-iversary and A Gratitude Giveaway

This week officially marks one year of Slugs on the Refrigerator.  What a wonderful year its been.  While I definitely blog for me, it is a thrilling and wonderful thing to have people that aren't related to me read my nonsense.  Every comment and email I get is a delight and I cherish them all (even when I fall behind reading and responding).

Writing a blog has given me so many wonderful things,  and I am so so grateful for the inspiration, creativity and community it has brought into my life. So I want to give a wee something back...

And since spring cleaning is fast approaching (and in fact "declutter" or "keep the house in a more semi-habitable state" seems to have turned up on many a New Year's Resolution list...especially my own), this wee package was put together with just that in mind. One reader will be the recipient of:


:: One  copy of the delightful book "Make your Place" about green and homemade tips for keeping your house and self healthy and clean.

:: 2-3 Kat-made hand knitted organic cotton dishcloths (these are VERY soft and Kev says no one will actually use them for cleaning, but I say cleaning stinks, may as well do it with a bit of glamour).

:: 1 Vintage linen embroidered table cloth

:: 1 Kat-made embroidered linen plastic bag holder...or if you are lucky enough to not have these horrendous things turn up in your house even when you are generally religious about carrying your own bags everywhere, you can use them as a cloth paper towel dispenser (we use old muslins for paper towels) 

(Hopefully better pics coming today, as we are in the season of the sun not rising over the houses across the street.)

To enter, please leave a comment telling us all what are you grateful for, right now.

I will close entries on Friday at 5pm UK time.  I am happy to ship anywhere in the world.

Thank you for the last wonderful year!!!

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