We used to live in Stirling.
Stirling is a nice place.
However, we moved to our wonderful house, which happens to be in another town.
New town has a bit of a reputation. When I tell people from Stirling we now live in this place, we are met with looks of disdain.
"Why would you live there?"
"Umm," we stammer, "it has a lot of things for kids, nice parks and cheap housing"
"Oh. Of course. The housing." They reply, as if nothing else could draw us here.
Well, I am adding something else to the list. We have the best charity shops here. Seriously brilliant.
After we lost our luggage, I found jeans for Ellis for 50p, which in Stirling would have cost me £3. I also recently found an immaculate Spiderman costume for £2...again in Stirling it would have been £7.
This morning, feeling considerably poorer after shipping off 3 orders at nearly 3x the cost of postage I had estimated, I still needed to find materials for the backlog of wing orders I have. I wandered around, worried about the possibility of not finding anything and having to go further afield...until my last stop where I hit the motherload.
2 single red striped duvet covers and pillowcases
A pile of pillowcases, and duvet covers in pink and brown (as well as a retro cool spiderman duvet cover)
And my favourite: these simply gorgeous pillowcases that are so worn and silky, they are going straight onto the bed in the studio.
And the cost...£7. I even had change left over for a soy latte with an extra shot of coffee to fuel more of this
Have a wonderful weekend.