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The Danger of Predictability

I didn't blog Friday or yesterday.


Normally, this occurrence is met with a harassing text from a certain friend (you know who you are, woman!).

Yesterday, my lack of blogging was met with no less than 3 emails, 4 texts to my phone, a blog comment, and various phone calls and texts to Kevin.  

Yes, I am still pregnant.  If the baby had arrived, the world would know. When I had Ellis, Kevin had pictures on the internet within hours.  This was before blogging, facebook and Skype.

Being stalked is an interesting, if marginally irritating, phenomenon I missed out on the first time with Ellis' 35 week arrival.  I can not open the door without someone telling me they are surprised I am still pregnant, how enormous I am, or providing me with a prediction as to when baby will arrive. Which is normal, i know, but does everyone get it from 37 weeks?  I thought this was a post-due date phenomenon.

Anyway, I haven't blogged because, I have nothing interesting to say (if you've read this far, you will know that already).  You see, I have reached the "too big to move or do anything or leave the house" stage. And its rubbing off on Ellis as all he wants to do is play with his trains, paint, and chase his cats.

While he has been doing that, I:

:: I have watched more late night TV than I have ever watched in my entire life. For the record, Men in Black is better remembered than watched.

::I have been knitting...another Milo.  I can now make the first 2 sizes without a pattern.  I have given a fair few away and wanted another for our new baby. A snowy owl, as opposed to the brown owl we have already.  I am making it in Sublime Organic smells of sheep, which makes  me endlessly happy.

::I have ordered this book, after seeing this.  i had an amazon voucher that had been sitting around for months.  The best thing about Ravelry has been the ability to see what patterns are in books that I couldn't normally get my hands on.  As there are at least 6 patterns that I want to make RIGHT NOW.  But I am trying not to build up too much of  a stash of yarn, because well, I am running out of space and it would be nice to know the gender of teh baby before I make anything else. Though, I want to make something red. In bamboo. With matching booties.

:: Nesting is getting a bit ridiculous.  I cleaned the bathtub at 3am. 



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