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The Garden

I've decided this year will be devoted to the growing of children only. It is strange not to have peas or beans in the ground, not to be doing my morning rounds with my cup of coffee in hand, and not to be fighting semi-naked children over the strawberries. Its fortunate then that the new house has a simply gorgeous garden already, filled to the brim with flowers and herbs. 





We have a rowan arch and ferns taller than Ellis.  The front garden is full of roses and seasonal bulbs are everywhere.  Its magical to live in a place with so much history inside and out.

And the flowers...oh the flowers.  I used to look enviously at people who had posy bushes in their gardens, now I have 2!!







The kids love it as well and will play for hours outside. Its walled, so even my most adept escape artist is safe...other than Georgia's new found taste for gravel.

Their favourite activity has to be the sand and water table. I'd always been quite skeptical of such artificial contraptions in lurid pink plastic, opting instead for an old butler sink full of dirt, but it was G's birthday present and they both love it.



Unfortunately, this has to be heavily supervised or she does this to herself


or he does this to her.



Either way, time in the garden equals time in the bath tub...simply underlining the point that the growing of children is quite enough this season.

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