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A Life in the Making


Amongst the many things I collect, I have a special place in my heart for pillowcases.  I make a bee line for the textile section of the charity shop and often leave with 2 or 3 - at 29p each - its hardly an extravagant spend. While, vintage cases do bedeck our pillows, I have to admit to hoardin...

Artists Shouldn't Procreate

    Lying in bed yesterday morning, as Georgia sang "Baa Baa Black Sheep" and yelled "Wook at Meeeee!!!!!" whenever we turned away, and Theo ran around with a bucket on his head, while Ellis told me he was "Never ever going to school ever ever again", Kevin and I agreed that artists should pro...

A Morning in the Life

Up at 5:15am. I know this, as Ellis practices his new found clock reading skills for my fuzzy brain. The light has to go on of course, so he can read the clock and I mutter under my breath about reading being overrated in children. With Ellis up, all 3 children and Kevin are awake. (Note to self...

A Week in Review

Last week passed in a blur of visiting with this lovely woman.   We ate cake, visited historic places and talked about anything and everything. It was the perfect end to what was probably the busiest month of our lives. One of the best things about visitors that we go all of the places we ne...

Today I Am...

...up early, but I don't notice it because of the clock change.  This is the first year I can remember where I am not plunged into a pit of despair about the clocks changing. ...probably because my mother arrived on Saturday.  Today we are being ladies who lunch, tomorrow ladies who visit castle...