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Knit Flat Hat

Knit Flat Hat

Welcome to Week 2 of Knit Camp. This week, we are woking through this stripey hat, designed by Joanne Scrace.  We will also be covering: How to Read Knitting Patterns, Tension, Decreasing and Casting Off. Don't feel like you have to *get* everything in this pattern from the beginning. We will be working through the sections as we go this week. Remember, the tutorials will be online forever more, so you can work through them at your own pace.


50g Libby Summers’ Fine Aran in 660 Larama (Main Colour)

24g Libby Summers’ Fine Aran in 890 Kulli (Contrast Colour)


18 sts and 24 rows in stocking stitch to 10 cm/4in using 5mm needles (or size needed to achieve tension)


MC – Main Colour

CC – Contrast Colour

RS – Right side

WS – Wrong side

K – Knit

P – Purl

K2tog – Knit two stitches together. Insert needle as to knit through the next two sts on the needle, knit them as one stitch.

SSK – slip, slip, knit. Insert needle into next stitch as if to knit it, slip it onto the other needle without knitting it, do the same to the next stitch, insert your needle through the back of the two sts just slipped and knit them together as one stitch.

St(s) – Stitch(es).


Starting at the brim:

Using the MC, cast on 90 sts.

Row 1(RS): *K2, p2; repeat from * to last 2, k2.

Row 2: K1, p1, *k2, p2; rep from * to last 4 sts, k2, p1, k1.

Rows 3-10: As rows 1 and 2.

Row 11(RS): Knit.

Row 12: K1, purl to last st, k1.

Row 13 - 16: Change to CC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Rows 17 – 18: Change to MC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Rows 19 – 20: Change to CC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Rows 21-22: Change to MC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Rows 23 – 24: Change to CC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Break CC yarn leaving tail long enough to weave in.

Rows 25 – 36: Change to MC, work as rows 11 and 12.

Begin Decreasing:

Row 37(RS): K1, *k2tog, k7, ssk; repeat from * to last st, k1. (74 sts)

Row 38 and all even rows: As Row 12.

Row 39: K1, *k2tog, k5, ssk; repeat from * to last st, k1. (58 sts)

Row 41: K1, *k2tog, k3, ssk; repeat from * to last st, k1. (42 sts)

Row 43: K1, *k2tog, k1, ssk; repeat from * to last st, k1. (26 sts)

Row 45: K1, *k2tog; rep from * to last st, k1. (14 sts)

Break yarn, leaving a long tail (almost as long as your arm). Thread the tail with a darning needle, and weave it through the remaining sts then pull them off the needle. Pull tight and fasten with a stitch. With wrong sides together and using 1 st on each side as a selvedge seam the hat. Weave in all ends. Wash and leave to dry flat.

Tags: knitting

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